APLICA is about implementing change in society for its improvement, using knowledge as the shift lever.
For years we have been working in public administration and in the academia, often feeling that the knowledge-based society does not prioritize the return of knowledge to society. Through our experience, we would like to promote and to facilitate that return. Often, we feel that health and social research is focused more on academic interests and learnt dynamics - impact factor - rather than on the common good - social impact -.
We believe the waste of knowledge is a squandering which our society cannot afford. That´s why we think that the collective efforts devoted to research, should turn into rigorous and relevant scientific-based contributions, but should also correspond to social needs.
APLICA wants to guide and support the processes of transferring knowledge to action, through the implementation of interventions, the dissemination of results or performing actions to reach social and political impact.
We consider essential to base our research on social needs, incorporating its perspectives and voices, with an open and participative approach. In other words, placing value on the knowledge of communities and people. Our working philosophy is “win-win-win”: customer, APLICA and society.
APLICA is about giving social use to scientific knowledge, working with passion and rigour.