What services do we offer?
We contribute generating and supporting research processes, both quantitative and qualitative, in all its phases:
- Formulation of hypothesis and research questions
- Protocol design
- Design and management of data collection
- Questionnaires and interview guides design
- Individual and groupal interviews moderation
- Qualitative and statistical analysis
- Systematic and scoping reviews
Transfer of knowledge
We accompany knowledge back to society:
- Implementation of interventions and word spread
- General and scientific results dissemination
- Social communication
- Political advocacy
- Transfer of research knowledge
- Facilitation and support with team management, meeting spaces and projects
We teach and help to develop skills, through participatory dynamics, in our areas of expertise:
- Quantitative and qualitative methodology
- Transfer of knowledge and implementation
- Public health
- Ethics of scientific research
- Social involvement
- In any other of our areas of interest